Saturday, October 25, 2008


You might be wondering what I meant by "Trumpets!" and thought I might try to explain the here it goes.

First, I'll let you in on my train of thought. Have been wondering lately why some videos catch on and become sensations and why some wallow in YouTube purgatory. One of my favorite videos is Charlie Bit Me and show it to all friends who have not seen it as much as possible...until I run out of friends. The video on has been seen 57,255,789 TIMES and has 87,455 comments!! I mean, when you break it down the video is of a little kid getting bit by his brother. It certainly happened when I was little, and I'm not famous. Did the parent's know their children were going to be seen by 57 million people, I'm thinking probably not.

So, companies have been trying to break the YouTube code by creating corky videos to promote their product. Wario did a cool thing here, and it worked for them increasing their views by 500%. And the Cadbury Gorilla is still considered one of the most successful YouTube campaigns to date. So what makes a video a success or a flop? Uniqueness is essential, but the hardest to balance. Going too far to one side can mean millions or zero views. By tapping into something people are already familiar with (YouTube or Gorilla) and playing around with people's perceptions (shaking it up or making it play drums) make people look twice, and share it with their friends. It might not hurt to add a little Phil Collin's music ;)

I would mention the ones that flopped, but I haven't seen them.

Finally!!! Here is the video that inspired the joke...let me know what you think :)

Success, flop, funny...???

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